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7,000 science and technology articles. covering everything from acoustics to. zoology. Thoroughly revised and updated, this classic encyclopedia. features more than 7,000 concise articles. covering all areas of science and technologywritten. by authors at the forefront of their fields, including. numerous Nobel Prize winners.. Richly illustrated with more than 1,700 illustrations, the. "McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Science And Technology," features 1,300 biographies of famous scientists, hundreds. of tables and charts, cross-references to related. articles, and an index containing 30,000 entries. Readers. will find articles on fast-breaking, headline-making fields. such as computing, nanotechnology, telecommunications, . environmental science, and biomedical., A major revision of this classic encyclopedia covering all areas of science and technology, the McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, Sixth Edition, is prepared for students, professionals, and general readers seeking concise yet authoritative overviews of topics in all major fields in science and technology. The McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, Sixth Edition, satisfies the needs of readers for an authoritative, comprehensive reference work in a relatively compact format that provides the breadth of coverage of the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 10th Edition. Written in clear, nonspecialist language understandable to students and general readers, yet with sufficient depth for scientists, educators, and researchers, this definitive resource provides: 7100 concise articles covering disciplines of science and technology from acoustics to zoology Extensively revised content with new and rewritten articles Current and critical advances in fast-developing fields such as biomedical science, chemistry, computing and information technology, cosmology, environmental science, nanotechnology, telecommunications, and physics More than 1600 two-color illustrations 75 full-color plates Hundreds of tables and charts 1300 biographical sketches of famous scientists Index containing 30,000 entries Cross references to related articles Appendices including bibliographies and useful data McGraw-Hill Professional science reference products are supported by, a website offering updates to articles, periodic special features on important scientific topics, multimedia content, and other features enriching the reader's experience. We encourage readers to visit the site often. Fields Covered Include: Acoustics Aeronautics Agriculture Anthropology Archeology Astronomy Biochemistry Biology Chemistry Computers Cosmology Earth Science Engineering Environmental Science Forensic Science Forestry Genetics Geography Immunology Information Science Materials Science Mathematics Medicine and Pathology Meteorology and Climate Science Microbiology Nanotechnology Navigation Neuroscience Oceanography Paleontology Physics Physiology Psychiatry Psychology Telecommunications Theoretical Physics Thermodynamics Veterinary Medicine Virology Zoology

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