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Buy both Mary Sheridan's From Birth to Five Years: Children's Developmental Progress, 4th edition and From Birth to Five Years: Practical Developmental Examination., Mary Sheridan's From Birth to Five Years is widely regarded as the go-to reference for health, education and social care professionals, or anyone concerned with the developmental progress of pre-school children. In this new fourth edition, the text has been developed to further align it with current child development philosophies and practices, and to support the wider group of professionals that are now required to take steps for promoting children's development as part of their assessment and management plans. To complement this book, a new companion volume, From Birth to Five Years: Practical Developmental Examination , offers a step-by-step 'how to' guide, including guidance on enquiry and observation, how to chart typical and atypical patterns, and 'red flags' for recognising significant delay or abnormality. To consolidate and expand on the practical and theoretical information across both books, a new companion website is available at, which includes the following additional learning material: An interactive timeline of the key developmental domains Introductions to theory with links to further reading Research summaries Video clips demonstrating practical assessment skills. Buy both Mary Sheridan's From Birth to Five Years: Children's Developmental Progress, 4th edition and From Birth to Five Years: Practical Developmental Examination together at a reduced price.

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Henri Bergson stood as one of the most important philosophical voices of that tumultuous time.Scarlett has never left the tiny island where she and her beloved sister, Tella, live with their ruthless father.For all, it is about achieving basic rightson their own terms, not Western ones.I highly recommend it as a way to love and accept yourself, as well as the way your life is unfolding.At age eighteen Frank joined the Army, seeing action at the Battle of the Bulge.The latest health and safety info How technology is changing fatherhood How men's brains change by being involved during pregnancy Society's shifting expectations for dads The amazing effects on children when fathers are active partners before birth How pre-birth participation makes dads more likely to be active parents post-birth Updated resources .Georgetown University-the plans for his life are exploded, and he takes up the mantel of his brother's crack empire.Over the years the King s has played host to some of the world s biggest stars of screen and stage, including Sir Laurence Olivier, Maria Callas, Lesley Neilsen, Sir Patrick Stewart, Sir Ian McKellan, Penelope Keith, Simon Callow and Sir Sean Connery even worked backstage here Not fazed by the regular showbiz dazzle, the King s remains a community theater at heart.